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Rekomenduojami pranešimai

aš galvoju užsiregistruoti į, ir ten kai registruojiesi rašo, kad reikia buti 18 metu amziaus (pilnameciu). jei tarkin registracijoj nurodau, kad esu pilnametis, ar nebus ten kokiu nesamoniu paskiau kai jau busiu uzsisakes kokia preke? ar kas is nepilnameciu yra pirkes ebay'juje?

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

noriu užsisakyti iš eBay, esu pirkęs bet labai seniai, verifyintas paypal pas mane, Visa Virtuon, bet nepamenu to CSC kodo, ką ten vesti? Juk ant "nugaros" nėra triju skaitmenų.


Pasižiūrėk prie popierių, kuriuos gavai kada kortelę davė, ten turi būti parašyta. Jeigu nėra, tada gali per ebankininkystę parašyti į supportą ir tau atrašys su tuo kodu. Bet jeigu PayPal verifintas, tai kam tau tas kodas?

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Man dabar meta tokią nesamonę:

This card has been disabled for entry into the PayPal system. Please add a different card.


(čia kai bandau mokėti per eBay sistemą), pažiūrėjau per PayPal, jokia kortelė nepririšta, ir ten tą patį rašo kai bandau "rišti"\ mokėti, nors prieš kokius metus, mokėjau su ta pačia kortele, ir veryfinau PayPal su ta pačia kortele, mokėjau taipogi su ta pačia kortele už eBay preke, o dabar po metu laiko vėl noriu nusipirkti kai ką (visą laiką nieko nepirkau ir kortele buvo nenaudota, tai nerealu kad ką nors bučiau pridaręs).


P.s. sužinojau, kad ten kur CSC reikia vesti CVV kodą, bet tai vistiek nekeičia esmės, gal kam teko susidurti? Parašiau į PP supportą.

Redagavo DanieliusV
Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Senas PayPal. Jau parašiau,



Thank you for contacting PayPal regarding your disabled card.


I apologise for the difficulty you have experienced when attempting to use

the card ending 8055 on your PayPal account. I have reviewed your account

and can see that this card has been permanently disabled for use in the

PayPal system.


When you add a card to your PayPal account, we check the information that

you have provided against the information your card issuer has on file.

Your card has failed our security checks on a number of occasions, as your

card issuer could not confirm that the information provided matched. Please

be assured that this is not a reflection on your credit worthiness.


Unfortunately, I am unable to override this security setting to enable your

card in the PayPal system. Please add another card to your PayPal account

to continue making payments.


I understand your frustration regarding this matter and regret any

inconvenience this might have caused.


atrašiau jiems, kad:

Good day Nicola,



When you add a card to your PayPal account, we check the information that

you have provided against the information your card issuer has on file.

Your card has failed our security checks on a number of occasions, as your

card issuer could not confirm that the information provided matched.


I didn't exactly understand what do you mean about information the card issuer has on file and information that I have provided to you.


Approximately 1 year ago I have verified my PayPal account using this card (Visa Virtuon, Issued by Vilnius SEB Bankas) and have made a purchase from the eBay in period of 1 month after the verification. Then, I have left my PayPal account (to mention - Visa Virtuon card has expired in 2009.12 and I have re-newed it, what cost me additional 8$ + additional 8$ for ownership of the card each year) and haven't used it till today, as today is the day when I decided to purchase another eBay item after a long period of time.

IMPORTANT: during all this period of time (over 1 year) I haven't been using neither eBay account or PayPal account AT ALL. How it can happen that now, the information is incorrect, if before it was correct? (Can you please give an explanation how information can be affected if it is not used at all?)


I can provide contract with SEB Vilnius Bankas that shows my name\surname and account no., issue date, CVV code, I can add my driver license\passport photo, whatever is necessary. Paying membership fee for the card which is not usable is pointless, isn't it? + the bank is not going to provide me with another Visa Virtuon as I have 1 already (even though, in case they would, I would have to pay again 8$ card price + 8$ membership fee that's 16$ in total just for nothing once again) and I would have to pay additional 8$ for the old card.


I am looking forward to hear from you and I hope that we can solve this out quickly.


Best Regards,


Ar aš čia kažko nesuprantu? :/

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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